Hey we made it to another Friday... Yeah!!! It's another faithful Friday and I so thank God for making it through another peaceful week. I Simply Love Her has a mandate to empower woman throughprayer, study and social sharing, so we are always sharing how God shows up and answers prayers in such an amazing unexpected way. (Ephesians 3:20)
In our social evangelism we shared this tip "Networking in Unusual Places" with our Social Gyrl 4 God group on Facebook and thought it would be useful to you all as well. You just never when and where you are going to meet someone that will help you in the things you have been praying for. Do you struggle with networking and coming out your comfort zone? Check out this tip below and let us know if it helps you. Summer is coming to a close, so have fun this weekend!!!
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![]() Last summer, around this time of the year, I was working in my office and praying about what conferences I wanted to attend for the upcoming year. Spiritually, I knew I needed to do more, and I am so glad I did. I looked online and found the YouLead conference. I could have selected the one in close proximity to me, but I needed a long drive with the hubster, so off to Toledo we went. An 8-hour commute up the PA turnpike served up exactly what we needed. We usually take road trips in the other direction and head down south, but this time, I knew in my spirit this conference would be a game-changer, and it was on so many levels. I arrived there in the parking lot of the church on that Friday and went in to get a feel of where to go for the activities the next day. We met the worship leader Levi who showed us around, and off to the hotel we went. My husband hung out at the hotel while I attended the event on Saturday morning, and of course, a very long train tried to distract our ever-so-exciting prompt pursuit, but we know the plans of the enemy and quickly ignored it. I headed in and found my seat, and I will never forget that day. I met so many awesome women and received such a refreshing new perspective on women's ministry. My heart felt like it was mushy as I listened to the women share their ideas and their love for God’s word. I walked away with a new Bible and so many other goodies. I talked about it all the way home and made the decision that these ladies were on fire for God and I would immerse myself into their Bible studies. I would not only learn but teach the content to others because I wanted everyone to know how I now looked at God’s word. Thee Bible= inspiring, alive, answer-bearing and so much more. Since then, we glean much and are forever grateful to www.lifeway.com for helping us in our life walk and for so generously giving of many resources.
I am big on speaking positive great things to myself, even if it's with my inward voice. Of course, you know I am big on prayer and always having a daily conversation with God. This week, especially, I have put into practice saying these words in the mirror: "The joy of the Lord is my strength" (Nehemiah 8:10). Yes, as the sun rises, I look in the mirror and say those words.
Why do you ask? The Bible says the Lord has joy, so why shouldn't I? Every day, we are in the hustle and bustle, facing the world, taking care of families, going to school, working, and doing ministry and the long list of other things we do. I know I've had some days where things were very interesting, leaving me pretty frustrated. Lately, I realized something has to give. I have heard this scripture often growing up but never really grasped it until now. If the Lord has joy, what is that about? And if He has it, He has to want the same for us. So, I decided to look into the Word about it (I will leave this up to you because I want you to experience the AHA moment as I did) and I now get it! The Lord has joy, and because He has joy, it gives me strength and I want to have joy every day. On this Faithful Friday, even though we may have obstacles, "the joy of the Lord is our strength." Share what you do to help you keep your joy, maybe it will help others. I wanted to share with you these tips that make our study time fun and full of joy. I have been having so much fun during my studying time adding some creativity to my Bible, kinda a DIY of my Bible project. Washi tape, colored pens and pineapple paperclips are just some of our favorites. Check it out and tell us what you think? We'd love to hear what you have going on with your Bible!!! Just in case you want to grab the items here are the links to items in the video 1.18 pack of colored pens_ http://bit.ly/2LUZ4tt 2. Washi Tape_http://bit.ly/2M2NYTa Pineapple Paperclips_http://bit.ly/2M2NYTa Disclosure: Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission. Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you Today is DTD day.
Wait for it "Doing things Different" I woke up on a whole new mission almost as if something happened in my sleep. I sought after new fruitful opportunities, I am pulling down one of my business page an starting over because it's time and guess what? I struggled with this because I thought I would lose all my creative content, only to find out that I can download everything I posted and start again. I am so excited to begin again!!!! Oh and I am going to get a great smoothie today, just because. If you tried it that way before and it didn't work, it's time to break the insanity and do things differently!!! Here we go. What things do you need to look at differently and just start again? |
AuthorRhonda F. Hammond Archives
September 2018
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