Hey we made it to another Friday... Yeah!!! It's another faithful Friday and I so thank God for making it through another peaceful week. I Simply Love Her has a mandate to empower woman throughprayer, study and social sharing, so we are always sharing how God shows up and answers prayers in such an amazing unexpected way. (Ephesians 3:20)
In our social evangelism we shared this tip "Networking in Unusual Places" with our Social Gyrl 4 God group on Facebook and thought it would be useful to you all as well. You just never when and where you are going to meet someone that will help you in the things you have been praying for.
Do you struggle with networking and coming out your comfort zone?
Check out this tip below and let us know if it helps you.
Summer is coming to a close, so have fun this weekend!!!
In our social evangelism we shared this tip "Networking in Unusual Places" with our Social Gyrl 4 God group on Facebook and thought it would be useful to you all as well. You just never when and where you are going to meet someone that will help you in the things you have been praying for.
Do you struggle with networking and coming out your comfort zone?
Check out this tip below and let us know if it helps you.
Summer is coming to a close, so have fun this weekend!!!
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